Course Details

by Adv Krithika

Certficate Course in Music Law

The Certificate Course in Music Law is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the legal issues that impact the music industry. This course will cover various aspects of music law including copyright, contracts, licensing, and intellectual property rights. It is suitable for law students, music industry professionals, and musicians who want to gain a deeper understanding of the legal landscape surrounding music. In this course, students will delve into the essentials of copyright law, with a specific focus on its application within the music industry. By understanding the foundational principles of copyright, students will learn how these laws protect musical works and the rights of their creators.


Additionally, the course will cover the intricacies of music contracts, shedding light on the legal relationships between various stakeholders, including artists, managers, producers, and record labels. This knowledge is crucial for navigating the professional landscape of the music industry and ensuring fair and legally sound agreements. Students will also explore the realm of licensing agreements, gaining insight into the various types of licenses used in the music business. This includes performance licenses, mechanical licenses, and synchronization licenses, among others, which are vital for the legal use and distribution of music. A key component of the course is understanding intellectual property rights and their enforcement within the music sector.


Students will learn about the mechanisms in place to protect these rights and the legal remedies available for infringement. To bridge theory with practice, the course will include the examination of case studies and real-world scenarios. This approach will help students apply their theoretical knowledge to practical situations, enhancing their understanding and preparation for real-life legal challenges in the music industry.


Course Details:

Mode: Self-paced

Course Duration: 3 months from the date of enrolment

Fees: Free

Language: English

Access: 24/7 online access

Modules: 08 Modules

Learning Materials: Video lectures, Assessment, and assignments

Assignment: descriptive type of answering at the end of each module

Assessment: both descriptive and objective type of answering at the end of course

Feedback: Regular feedback on assignments and projects

Certification: E-Certificate of completion upon successfully finishing the course and completing both assessment and assignment. Hardcopy of the E-Certificate will be shared on payment of additional fee for the same.

Support: Mentor Q&A sessions via WhatsApp and other platforms

Prerequisites: Anyone who is interested

Enrolment: Open enrolments start at any time

Marks/Grades: Students scoring between 90 and 100 marks will receive an A+ grade, those with 80 to 89 marks will receive an A grade, students achieving between 70 and 79 marks will be awarded a B+ grade, scores between 60 and 69 will result in a B grade, those with 50 to 59 marks will receive a C+ grade, and students scoring between 40 and 49 marks will receive a C grade.

Cancelation and other Policies: As per Terms and Conditions


This is a self-paced course. After successful enrolment, you can start the course. Once enrolled the course should be completed within 03 months from the date of enrolment. If not, then the enrolment will be cancelled. An E-Certificate will be awarded within 24 business hours after submitting the assessment. The assessment consists of two phases carrying 50% of marks each. The first phase occurs at the end of each module. Please ensure you watch the entire video. Answers can be handwritten or typed. Scan (ensuring good clarity and alignment) or convert them to PDF and upload them to the provided Google Form. The second phase of the assessment will be conducted via the Google Form provided.

P.S. Completion of the assessment is mandatory for obtaining certification. In cases of excessive plagiarism, the Institute reserves the right to require the student to re-attempt the assessment.


Welcome to our comprehensive course on Music Law, designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the legal principles and practices that govern the music industry. This course covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of music law and copyright issues to the intricacies of licensing, royalties, and music contracts. By exploring various intellectual property rights and examining the use of music in different media, this course aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex legal landscape of the music world. Through case studies and an exploration of current trends and emerging issues, you will gain practical insights and a forward-looking perspective on the future of music law. Whether you are a musician, producer, legal professional, or simply passionate about music, this course will provide you with the essential tools to understand and engage with the legal dimensions of the music industry.

Module 01: Introduction to Music Law
Introduction to Music Law provides an overview of the fundamental aspects of music law, focusing on its role within the music industry and introducing key legal terminology essential for understanding subsequent topics.

Module 02: Copyright in Music
Copyright in Music delves into the application of the Copyright Act within the music industry, defining terms specific to musical works and sound recordings, and examining the rights of authors, performers, producers, and composers. It covers licensing, collecting societies, infringement and enforcement, fair use and exceptions, technological advancements affecting digital rights, and international copyright issues.

Module 03: Other Intellectual Property Rights
Module 03: Other Intellectual Property Rights explores various acts relevant to the music industry, including the Trademarks Act of 1999, the Designs Act of 2000, the Patents Act of 1970, the Information Technology Act of 2000, the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act of 1999, the Cinematograph Act of 1952, and the Competition Act of 2002.

Module 04: Licensing and Royalties
Module 04: Licensing and Royalties addresses the different types of music licenses available in India, the necessary documentation and processes for obtaining these licenses, and key considerations specific to the Indian context. It also discusses royalties and any exceptions to standard practices.

Module 05: Music in Media
Music in Media examines the use of music in films, television, and advertising, focusing on sync licensing and clearance. It also covers the legal considerations for music supervisors and the legal issues surrounding sampling and remixing music.

Module 06: Music Contracts
Music Contracts focuses on the essential clauses found in music contracts and the various types of contracts used in the music industry.

Module 07: Current Trends and Emerging Issues
Current Trends and Emerging Issues explores the latest trends and emerging issues in music law, as well as speculating on the future developments in the field.

Module 08: Case Studies
Case Studies provides an analysis of notable case laws relevant to music law, offering practical insights and real-world applications of the concepts covered in the course.

The author has carefully designed the syllabus and curriculum to be accessible to individuals from non-law backgrounds, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their prior legal knowledge, can benefit from this course. This course is dedicated to the countless artists, musicians, and legal professionals who continue to shape and innovate the music industry. Your dedication and passion inspire the ongoing evolution of music law, ensuring that creativity and legal integrity coexist harmoniously.


Adv Krithika is a passionate First-Generation Advocate who discovered the love for law by chance, making it the cornerstone of her life. Today for her Law isn’t just a profession but a way of life.
With an LL.M in Criminal Law, an LL.M in Business Law, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice. She believes that experience is the best teacher and diversity is its classroom. Her diverse career spans startups, universities, and prestigious law firms, MNC, enriching her expertise across various work cultures. As a dedicated educator, she has shared their industry knowledge through roles in multiple NGOs across the country. At the Indian Institute of Industrial and Professional Studies, she mentors law students and professionals, inspiring a love for lifelong learning. With over 8 years of experience, she believes in the boundless pursuit of knowledge, always striving to surpass yesterday’s achievements, embrace tomorrow’s challenges, and live her best today.